I’m leaving this post running until Sunday to allow time for more comments … to read the really detailed comments that have been left already (they are like ‘mini-posts), just scroll down to the bottom (once you click on the title/link so that you can see them) … and, please feel free to throw your two-cents in as well!
If you have been following this blog for some time – and, if you have also been following the exploits of our 7 Millionaires … In Training! – you will see that I have an obsession with ‘helping’ you to understand your Number.
This is because simply understanding my Life’s Purpose, then quantifying that ‘purpose’ into a Number, had such a big impact on my life …
… I truly believe that I would not be sitting here, writing this very post today, had it not been for that simple act.
It’s a process that should only take a couple of hours – more, if you get the urge to dive deep into what your first cut throws at you.
What’s wrong with having no Number?
Nothing, if you like to fly blind; it’s like embarking on a journey with no destination: any road will get you there … which is OK for some, but not me.
My ‘no destination’ journey took me to a lot of work, two so-so businesses (together, they just managed to break even … and this is after YEARS of operation), and $30k in debt.
Yet, as soon as I realized my destination and found out how much it could ‘cost’ me to get there, it was like suddently letting off the parking brake: things almost magically started to fly.
Don’t get me wrong, there was even more hard work and major risks and decisions to undertake (not many people move country to pursue their dreams AND keep their businesses in the ‘old country’ going).
So, if having no Number is ‘bad’ what’s wrong with picking a number out of thin air?
Again, nothing, but have a look at what our 7MITs came up with after a couple of revisions … and, compare that to their starting Number – their first ‘guess’:
Let’s ask them: what changed and why? Why did your Number go up/down or (in only a couple of cases) stay the same? And, why is this exercise better than just picking a Number and going with it?
And, let me ask you … if you have a Number in mind, how did you come up with it? And, why?