would be pretty neat to work in one of those tall buildings and be able to subway to work though, no?
No! 😉
“This used to be me.. it sucked”(why?) what sucked about it? what if anything do you miss about it?
@ Steve – Getting my gratification from my boss (if he’s happy with me, then I’m happy with me); living off hand-outs: salary, pay-rises, etc. at somebody else’s whim; the politics of the work environment.
Now, some of these relate to the industry that you are in. For example, I couldn’t lose the ‘politics’ when I had my own business, but the rewards of my own business certainly compensated in ways that most salaried jobs can’t (for example, helping to fund the investments that created $7million in 7 years for me).
On the other hand, there are those – just like the guy in the video – who thrive in the corporate job environment: their ultimate financial reward will come from what they do WITH their money 🙂
Did you leave the corporate world with a though-out plan to achieve yr 7-millions-in-7-Years? Or you just felt like having enough of it and left with the guts to face the uncertain world?
@ Bill – Neither! 🙂
But great question, so here goes: I left because at the 6th year mark – of of a very happy/successful corporate career (well 4 out of the 6 years, at least, were happy/successful) – I was bitten by the Entrepreneurial Bug.
It wasn’t until some 8 years later that I hit upon my $5m5y plan that resulted in $7m7y.
would be pretty neat to work in one of those tall buildings and be able to subway to work though, no?
No! 😉
“This used to be me.. it sucked”(why?) what sucked about it? what if anything do you miss about it?
@ Steve – Getting my gratification from my boss (if he’s happy with me, then I’m happy with me); living off hand-outs: salary, pay-rises, etc. at somebody else’s whim; the politics of the work environment.
Now, some of these relate to the industry that you are in. For example, I couldn’t lose the ‘politics’ when I had my own business, but the rewards of my own business certainly compensated in ways that most salaried jobs can’t (for example, helping to fund the investments that created $7million in 7 years for me).
On the other hand, there are those – just like the guy in the video – who thrive in the corporate job environment: their ultimate financial reward will come from what they do WITH their money 🙂
Did you leave the corporate world with a though-out plan to achieve yr 7-millions-in-7-Years? Or you just felt like having enough of it and left with the guts to face the uncertain world?
@ Bill – Neither! 🙂
But great question, so here goes: I left because at the 6th year mark – of of a very happy/successful corporate career (well 4 out of the 6 years, at least, were happy/successful) – I was bitten by the Entrepreneurial Bug.
It wasn’t until some 8 years later that I hit upon my $5m5y plan that resulted in $7m7y.