Answer this question ….

Which statement is most true for you?

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… it just might tell you something important [AJC: I’ll tell you what in an upcoming post 😉 ]

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4 thoughts on “Answer this question ….

  1. @ MoneyMonk – LOL. Let’s hope that won’t sway all the SNAGS (Sensitive New Age Guys) and Metrosexuals out there from voting with their consciences!

  2. Michael Gerber books should be a read for most small business owners. Most Small Business owners forget about why they do this…to make more time and not have to listen to a manager. The problem is the manager is called “Cashflow” and they are forever working for it. A good system in the business would solve a lot of issues you will have in your business life. Thanks Michael for your insights

  3. Pingback: How did you answer?- 7million7years

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