The real advantage of my 7 Millionaires …. In Training! ‘grand experiment’ for the rest of us is that it provides some great ‘real life’ case studies of the topics that we talk about on this site.
For example, we talk a lot about your house, as – for most people – it’s your largest single purchase …. assuming that you don’t intend to actually get rich and go off and buy yourself some REAL investments 😉
Here is where each of the 7MITs are at with their current housing; if any of these case studies interest you, click on the link to read their full post and be sure to scroll down and read all the comments:
Scott talks about both his current home (he has kept his previous home as a rental) and compares his current dual income to the 25% Income Rule – although, there is a question about his wife’s income to be answered.
Ryan isn’t sure whether he bought the ‘bargain’ home that he thought he was getting; should he pay down the mortgage to compensate? Read the post – and the comments – then let us know (either here or there) what you think?
Jeff is a Navy Pilot, so it should come as no surprise that he: (a) moves a lot, and (b) gets some housing assistance. Jeff is seeking to capitalize on his unique situation by flipping his current home … why don’t you add your comments to those that are already on his post?
Mark has a home that he wants to keep as a rental. Is he making the right move … and, is he using the right metrics to help him make the right decision? Also, in the comments, we examine whether Jeff’s (yep, back to the Navy Pilot) house is a home or an investment.
Josh is the ‘free accommodation at home’ guy … sigh! I (slightly) remember those days. But, does Josh have a housing decision to make (he has been give the task of managing his grannie’s flat)? Read his post (and the comments … feel free to add one of your own) and YOU decide!
Lee asks the critical question: house or home? We also have (read my comment) a totally new version of the Old Age Pension to offer Lee …
Diane lays an interesting ‘life situation’ on us: when do Life Partners combine assets and liabilities and when don’t they? Also, if finances are separated, how do you calculate where you are REALLY at financially? It can (and should) be done, but how? Diane has taken the same ‘live at home with parents’ path as Josh (for now) … what advice can you add?
If you are still deciding how much house YOU can afford – and, want to learn more about the 25% Income Rule and the 20% Equity Rule – start with this post, and work backwards through the links.
Why do I suddenly feel like a lab rat? 😉
@ Jeff – Shut up and keep running 😛
Did anybody even get any cheese for this? Jeff, do you have cheese in your wheel?
All I see is the “Number” posted up in front of my wheel!! 😉
No cheese, just a cattle prod that’s called “the next post.” 🙂
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