There was a great black-and-white movie that they show every Christmas, without fail, that starred Jimmy Stewart. The movie is called It’s a Wonderful Life and, if you’ve never seen it, I highly encourage you to find it and watch it.
It’s a particularly great – and relevant – movie for anybody following along (hopefully, actively!) in my 7 Millionaires … In Training! ‘grand experiment’.
Even though the movie was a financial ‘failure’ when it was first released, and failed to win any of the 6 Oscars it was nominated for, it has since been recognized for the tour de force it really is and the film has since been recognized by the American Film Institute as one of the 100 best American films ever made, and placed number one on their list of the most inspirational American films of all time.
The premise is that George (Jimmy Stewart) has a Savings & Loan business that defaults and he feels that he has let his town down and tries to commit suicide. An ‘angel’ then shows George what life in the town would have been like without him – showing him how many people he ‘touched’ in his life and gives him a second chance.
This clip – the final 9 minutes of the film – picks up there …
The financial relevance?
Nothing and everything, as those following here are about to find out … but, it may help to explain why I have asked them (and, you, if you want to follow along actively or passively):
- To answer 10 ‘soul searching’ life questions.
- To think deeply about what you really don’t want in your life
- To think even more deeply about what you what do want in your life
… and more.
I hope that you’ll take the time to look in and see what all the life-changing fuss is about.