Fire up your true passion … hot passion drives massive action … massive action drives incredible results

When talking about money, and how to make lots of it, I always start by asking you to imagine your DESTINATION.

Where is your life going? What will your life have been about when it’s done?

Most people fail not because their financial goals are too big, but because they are too small

… that’s not a misprint. Let me explain.

In 1998, I had a business that was losing $5,000 a month (after 5 years of operation … sometimes it’s a good thing not knowing when to quit!) … I was struggling to take home $30,000 a year (having given up a lucrative career paying a LOT more) … and, my wife had to work full-time to help support us.

My vision was too small …

But, in 1998 that all changed; I read a book that I highly recommend to anybody in business that showed me how to envision my life when it was DONE, and how to envision a business to support that life.

Overnight, my vision changed …

… it became big … very, very BIG.

And, that vision rang true to my subconscious and buried itself deep in my psyche … it’s still there today, constantly egging me on to my ‘new life’ … a life that has nothing to do with multi-million dollar homes and very fast cars (not that I don’t have them, and not that they aren’t VERY NICE to have) …

… but, a life that has more to do with how I USE that wealth to enrich the life of others, thereby enriching my own life in ways that I just couldn’t even imagine when I was Just Over Broke.

With that new life blueprint firmly entrenched in my little mind, almost immediately, I started taking bold (ok … scary) new steps with my business, my investments, and my life to move towards that new, big vision.

I became absolutely resolute and driven to that single-minded goal …

The result … $7million in 7 years … ethically and safely (really), and for me, in multiple streams of income all in areas that I was passionate about.

Why did this work for me? In truth, I don’t know and don’t care … it just worked!

Also, I am not a great believer in The Secret and other ‘visualize and ye shall receive’ New Age beliefs – if you could ‘dream yourself’ to $2 million, why not just imagine $2 billion and be done with it? Better yet, dream $20 billion and help Bill and Melinda Gates save the world …

If pressed, I will say that by going through this process, you find then fire up your true passion … hot passion drives massive action … massive action drives incredible results.


So, what’s your big life vision? Your whole future depends upon being crystal clear on this …

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