UPDATE: We have a winner in my $700 in 7 Days Giveaway … yep, ‘barbaramontgom’ (with 6 points) was chosen by random drawing (see below) and wins the entire $700 Cash!!!!!! Barbara just needs to send me an e-mail ajc [at] 7million7years [dot] com to claim her $700 cash prize (less any PayPal fees)!
Bet you wished that you had entered 😉
Special thanks to Steve and Trisha who tied at the top of the leader board … if you send me an e-mail with your name/mailing address I will send each of you a $60 Apple Gift Card! Thanks to all of the others who entered and promoted the contest like crazy!
LAST CHANCE to enter my free contest: CONTEST OVER: in just ONE more today, I am giving away $700 cash to one lucky reader (drawn at random) as part of my $700 in 7 Days No Strings Attached promotion. It’s free to enter simply by clicking here.
I am giving away $700 cash to one lucky reader. There are NO CATCHES other than I will only pay by transfer from my PayPal account to yours.
The contest is entirely free to enter … NO gotchas!
So, why am I simply throwing away $700 cash?
Well, I like the number ‘7’ (this site is called $7 million 7 years) … but, it’s really to test an idea that I have for my new startup venture! I do a lot of “off the wall” stuff on this site, and I like to share what I’m up to with my readers.
This time, I want to see how many people join, what the referral sources are, and how active various readers are in promoting this contest, and so on.
My experiment is your gain … all you need to do is ENTER for your chance to win $700 cash in just 7 days, when I announce the winner exactly one week from today! Who knows, it might even be you!
Optional: For even more chances to win, get your links (below) and promote the contest to earn more points (each point = 1 entry). You can promote via Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and you are even rewarded with more points (‘points’ = more chances to win) for leaving comments here.
Good Luck!
[contest_links contest=”win_700_in_7_days_”]
Rules: there are none, except that I will only pay by transfer from my US PayPal account to yours (it’s up to YOU to make sure that you can accept payments via PayPal from the USA).
This is the world’s easiest contest. Simply enter for your chance to win.
Optional: Spread the word for even more chances to win. And, help a new experiment in social marketing while you’re at it!
Adrian – thanks so much for sponsoring such a great contest right before the holidays! I hope you have a lot of success in your experiment. I’ll do my best to promote the contest to everyone I know! Cheers!
This is pretty cool so is this going to be part of your book?
Pick me! Pick me!
I’m just a guy who is willing to take some risks and look forward to seeing some of them actually working.
@ Lee – Entering this contest isn’t really much of a risk 🙂 Of course, the reward for entering = One Chance to Win $700. Good Luck!
@ Tisha – You’re doing well … you’re already 2nd on the Leader Board – http://7million7years.com/leaders/ – that gives you more chances to win)!
who is first on the leader board?
and ecrocks23 Pick me Pick me how cute
you can check out my Flixia site ,where it has already been promoted on my blog.
promoted on http://www.stumpedia.com/index.php,and netvibes,and evernote.
promoted on flixia and you tube.video to come on you tube.
promoted on twitter and facebook
promoted on strands
promoted at yahoo buzz
you tube promotion video:::::
tumblr promotion video link:::
friendster lin to promotion:::
multiply promotion link::::
squidoo promotion link:::
vodpod promotion link::: http://vodpod.com/account
blip tv promotion link::
promoted at The AARP web site,but don’t know why the link didn’t show up here.
to confirm,just go to the aarp web site,type in 7 million in 7 years contest .
promoted on My AOL
promoted on orkut ,link:http://www.orkut.com/Main#FavoriteVideos?uid=6605166620569326217
promoted also on Bebo and Yahoo Book marks
someone got to Reddit before me,so reddit won’t allow a resubmit.Sorry,cannot promote there.
Is commenting on this post considered an entry? I didn’t see any other way to enter, but I definitely want a shot, thanks Adrian!
@ Stacy – You should be able to enter your name and e-mail address to register, here: http://7million7years.com/contest/
promoted on del.icio.us link:http://www.delicious.com/dustbusterz
you still get points for the promotion if you try and someone else beat you (such as on the reddit web site)?
promoted magnify.net web site link:
promoted at buzznet.com. link:http://dustbusterz.buzznet.com/user/video/4755961/7-million-7-years-contest/
promoted to esnips.com link:http://www.esnips.com/doc/820e069b-731c-4a0f-8558-1292a82471a3/7-Million-in-7-Years-Contest
promoted to veoh.com link::http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/educational_and_howto/watch/v206095142efnW28J
promoted to vemo.com LINK::
promoted to mefeedia.com LINK::http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/33874348
promoted at Viddler.com LINK:http://www.viddler.com/explore/Dustbusterz/videos/1/
promoted via Hotshare.com Link:http://www.hotshare.net/video/334447-88195467df.html
Promoted to videovat.com LINK:
promoted at ovi.com web site LINK:
promoted on AOL’s Asylum LINK:
promoted at games.com LINK:
Good stuff mate!
If I win, I’ll use $300 of it towards the Yakezie Scholarship!
Cheers, Sam
@ Financial Samurai – Thanks … and, a very worthy cause, indeed.
BTW: if you mention this contest to the Yakezie network (e-mail, post, FB, and/or Twitter, etc.), not only will the contest tool that I am trialing reward you with more chances to win, if one of the other Yakezie members wins, they may feel inclined to donate, as well 😉
Good Luck!
promoted at Clarkhoward.com Financial web site LINK:http://www.clarkhoward.com/videos/technology/phones-mobile-devices/make-free-international-calls/vKq/#c142
promoted on CNN Money, LINK :http://money.cnn.com/2010/11/24/pf/taxes/making_work_pay/index.htm
promoted at Fool.com, LINK:http://caps.fool.com/Blogs/welcome-to-the-depression/477913#commentsForm
promoted at MINT.com Financial web site, LINK:http://answers.mint.com/where-do-you-keep-your-emergency-fund
promoted at Moneystrands.com, LINK::https://money.strands.com/blog/2010/11/best-mobile-apps-black-friday-shopping#comment-8681
promoted on Thrive.com, LINK:::http://www.justthrive.com/blog/2010/01/simple-savings-on-your-cell-phone/#disqus_thread
promoted at CBS Moneywatch.com, LINK:http://moneywatch.bnet.com/saving-money/article/money-management-the-best-online-personal-finance-sites/369257/#comments
promoted on shoestringmag.com,LINK::http://www.shoestringmag.com/technology/budgets-banking-free-tools-money-management#comment-918
promoted at mytwodollars.com. LINK::http://www.mytwodollars.com/2008/05/19/free-websites-to-manage-your-money-online/#comment-37599
promoted on wisebread.com LINK::http://www.wisebread.com/7-frugal-lessons-from-great-grandmother?nocache=1#comment-480382
promoted on walletpop.com. LINK::http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/11/23/get-in-the-holiday-spirit-financially-with-these-money-tips/#thankYou
promoted on Yahoo Finance . LINK:::http://finance.yahoo.com/retirement/article/110553/jackpot-winners-just-as-likely-to-go-bust
promoted to mymoneyblog.com
promoted on dollarwiseblog.dallasnews.com
promoted on wisebread.com